Friday, July 4, 2008

Footballers beware

Now that I'm back from Laos, I'm keen to resurrect my football career by getting in some practice with the local expat team Bayon Wanderers. I'm totally unfit and its going to be a strain to get my creaky bones working again after a few years on the sidelines. However, with the death of 3 players last weekend in a local match, I will need to be careful if any games take place during a thunderstorm, as that game did. A thunder bolt struck the players, and hospitalized three others, during a typical rainy season monsoon. The players were in their 20s and were part of a tournament organised to strengthen the national team squad. Nationwide, no less than 40 people have been killed by lightning strikes this year in Cambodia. It's a very real threat over here.
The end of the $25 departure tax for foreigners when you leave Cambodia is in sight. News media report that from 1 September, the tax - levied since 2003 and meant to improve airport infrastructure construction, as well as service and security - will be included in the ticket price. As usual, Cambodians pay a lower tax level at a still hefty $18.


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