Saturday, May 10, 2008

On the run at Chhmar

More from my recent visit to Banteay Chhmar. I had very little time at the temple due to a late arrival and same day departure for Siem Reap. In effect, I had an hour to scramble across the ruins and seek out as much iconography and carving as I could find, as well as the temple's trademark face towers which I will post in the next day or two.
Above: These roof finials are located inside the second enclosure of Banteay Chhmar and show small Buddha figures in meditation
The pediment above shows a bodhisattva seated on a low plinth with two worshippers at his side, over a row of five remaining figures seated in anjali pose
A standing headless Lokeshvara above worshippers and attendants is badly eroded
Above: This is a very good example of Buddha seated on a naga and protected by its expanded hood. He is sat on a high plinth and below him is a prostrated king, flanked by female attendants with fans and parasols. This pediment is located inside tower 18
Above: This reconstructed pediment lies immediately inside the eastern entrance and depicts two rows of worshippers, twenty-three in total, below what appears to be a lively depiction of Krishna though much of the upper register is missing


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